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The Sculpture 


The National Life Monument is a colossal bronze sculpture, depicting a mother and a world shaped womb with the child in the center. The sculpture has an organic design that uses the drapery forms to draw the viewer’s attention to the center of the work. This center world/womb area is created out of mirrored steel that reflects the surrounding world and viewers of the art.  The viewers of the sculpture literally see themselves in the center of the work, symbolizing their connection to this creative source. 

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Theological College, Washington, D.C.

“An artistic celebration of the sacredness of every life.” 
Artist, Timothy Schmalz

Current World-Wide Locations


San Marcello al Corso

The original Life sculpture is installed in the beautiful, historic church San Marcello al Corso in the center of Rome. This life-sized version of the sculpture was blessed by special blessing of the sculpture by Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Speaking about the sculpture, Monsignor Paglia said: “Life enriches humanity, it always makes it more beautiful, more attractive, even with all its sorrows. Hence the responsibility to welcome it, care for it, accompany it, and multiply it.”


Directions to location





Washington, DC 

The National Life Monument is installed  on the campus of the Theological College in Washington, D.C., owned and operated by the Society of Saint-Sulpice.


Directions to location

San Marcello al Corso, Italy

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“Beauty can save the world” - Dostoevsky

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